自命清高的马华总会长拿督斯里翁诗杰目前出入都使用私人飞机,就连这次出访北京也是使用该辆飞机。希望翁诗杰告诉我们,那辆专机是不是属于某财团的老板 Desmond Lim 所有?翁总是否让这位老板以比其他商家高出一倍的价钱投得KLIA“行李运输器”的project?希望大家能转帖让翁总看见这个问题以便回答,希望翁总不要避而不答!!!!
A) 翁派的人所派放?> (33%)
B) 蔡派的人所派放?> (15%)
C) 党外人士所派放,准备坐收渔人之利?> (44%)
D) 其他 > (8%) (博主仅此致歉,由于系统出现乱码,因此无法得知这两票是说明什么。)
根据网上投票看来,还是有较多的人比较相信这次的光碟重现江湖一事,非党内人士所为,这共有44%。这也符合普遍民意,认为是有心人乘机浑水摸鱼,希望制造两败俱伤的局面。不过,MCA人马也无须过早开心,如果不是自己不争气,会有人有机会下手吗?有心人乘机推出光碟(如果真如所说的,非两派人马所为的话) 就是看死你马华自己打自己,勤练“七伤拳”,还没打到党内同志,就先自己中了内伤。
结论:如果以此项网上投票做为分析(当然,只是做为“学术研究”之用啦!不然,你以为….?) 翁派的死忠支持者大约有15%,而蔡派暂占上风有33%。不过别忽略了中间比较理性的44%,这一部分(segmen)者将会根据接下来的报导,在101010特大做出决定。而博主相信,讲得越多、伤得对方越多,并不代表稳胜,反而会导致反感,希望双方切记切记,点到为止就好。
During Pak Lah's time, those were the good old stories about personalities like Patrick Lim, also more famously known as Patrick Badawi, who was said to have direct access to Pak Lah due to close connection to the son and the son-in-law.
Now have a new Prime Minister, the son of Tun Razak, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib. Together with Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, our new PM lead by example, a capable leader who enjoys the pleasure of a harmonious family, flanked by a capable First Lady who is also shares the husband’s commitment to reform the government, buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih…
In the era of Najib, the market sees the emergence of new players, actually old players being given new lease of life. Douglas Cheng and Desmond Lim, both Datuk, were said to be enjoying the patronage of the First Lady so much, their arms now reach into the deepest pocket of government’s coffer.
Desmond Lim is no newbie in corporate world, famously linked to many stories about flying incumbent Transport Minister in his private jet to South Korea on Dec 2008 to check on baggage handling system, an overseas trip which was without the Cabinet’s approval. Of course, Desmond, knowing the game very well given his previous experience of working so closely with Patrick Lim, must now so expert in the game of pleasing top bosses in the government.
Desmond surely knows where to sew his seeds as he is now in best position to be awarded the baggage handling contract. In addition to that, the Minister has also agreed to award Desmond the purchase of 38 unit of EMU via Direct Nego.
Nonetheless, like the old saying, behind a successful man, there is always a woman. So easily we can imagine that behind a successful man like Najib, Kak Ros would be the loyal woman.
But who should take full credit of playing the person behind the woman behind the successful man? This question has a two-word answer – Cindy Lim.
Datin Cindy Lim. As the wife of Desmond, Cindy has a unique gift millions of Malaysian women don’t have – make best friend with the First Ladies. You name it and Cindy knows them by her smooth fingers, the late Kak Endon, Toh Puan Jeanne Abdullah and now, Kak RM.
Some lady has all the luck, so that the husband can get insanely rich from government contracts. Government’s NKRA should also mention Cindy’s persistent and consistent achievements.
But the biggest KPI score surely must go to Desmond, he was very focus in his effort and deliverables, i.e private jetting the Minister, Direct Nego-ing disregard of PM’s disapproval, landing government contracts almost at will.
With Cindy’s close association with Kak RM, Desmond was able to make the most of it and continue to enjoy the windfall, knowing full well that whenever someone in the government is trying to block him or his bid was not qualify enough, Cindy will quickly do the ground work using her friendship with Kak RM and get things through.
What become clearer is that Kak RM is becoming the Achilles Hill that might need urgent operation, just like the one in Transport Minister’s leg that was being operated.
Also, Kak RM might want to take notice on the circulating stories about how Douglas Cheng is fast becoming the blue-eye boy of Kak RM. Of course, what’s wrong with being the blue-eye boy anyway? Except that link between Douglas and his gambling business!
Is this going to be the footnote of the legacy of Najib being the PM of reform, a leader committed to serve all races and fighting to save BN, while his own BN (Bini Najib) is being associated with business tycoons who are slinging dirt all around the public administration and grabbing all the sweet apples in government coffer via illegitimate channels?
Datuk Seri Utama Shahrir Abdul Samad For Prime Minister
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